VAT on Construction, Land and Property

We are pleased to bring you Scammell and Nyland’s leading publication – VAT on Construction, Land & Property.

The February 2025 update is now live.  The next update will be released in early April 2025.

The eBook is a detailed and practical guide to VAT law and practice applying to construction, land and property matters in the UK and Isle of Man for advisers and businesses alike.

The UK VAT treatment of property and construction is complex – the most challenging aspect of the tax. But it affects us all, whether we’re having work done on our own homes, taking on premises for the business, or handling a complex development or transaction. Everyone has to consider property costs; almost every adviser has to deal with the VAT issues from time to time, or all the time.

VAT on Construction, Land and Property is recognised as the definitive guide to the subject. Topic by topic, it covers the fundamentals, the intricacies and the practicalities, bringing together case law, guidance and interpretation of the legislation. While newcomers to an area will find helpful introductions, older hands will find reminders of the obscurer pitfalls, and be alerted to HMRC’s latest thinking.

Drawing on the authors’ extensive experience, network and regular interaction with the relevant people at HMRC, this text offers insights that are not found anywhere else. Updated every two months, it not only provides critical analysis of the most recent developments but also anticipates future changes.

Material is generally retained until it is at least four years out of date (and consequently out of time for any assessment or back-claim) but a useful annex gives an historic overview for those who need it.



Key Topics Covered

Detailed sections cover major topics such as the option to tax, TOGCs, residential projects and the ‘domestic reverse charge’ for building work, but even the most obscure provisions and reliefs are also addressed in this unique resource.

More general aspects of the tax, such as time and place of supply, partial exemption and the capital goods scheme, and the disclosure rules for ‘schemes’ and for large businesses, are closely examined from a real estate perspective. A further chapter provides an overview of the Construction Industry Scheme.

What’s Included?

This expert guide combines a breadth of materials in a way that other sources do not – commentary is interspersed with extracts from HMRC guidance, case law summaries and examples, providing even the most knowledgeable reader with reminders of exactly what HMRC said in 2012 or the details of that Tribunal case from last year.

VAT on Construction Land and Property book cover